Gavin's Buddy Bench
It was with great sadness that we lost a dear young boy at the end of 5th class in 2020. Gavin was a lovely child and a friend who brought so much joy to the children and staff in our school.
In June 2021, we had a special celebration of Gavin's time in St Martin de Porres and unveiled a bench in his honour. This is now fondly known to all of us as "Gavin's Buddy Bench". It is a special bench for children to go to if they have nobody to play with during a break time or lunch time.. and wait for another child to sit with them. For the children, this special bench is somewhere to either "be a friend" or "make a friend".
Pictured here is Gavin's youngest sister Emily and her little friend Lauren, new friends in Junior Infants.
Over time, we hope to develop the area where Gavin's Buddy Bench is located with new planting that will bloom through the different seasons, reminding us that Gavin is with us always.
