School Closure Update
Dear Parent/Guardians,
As you may have heard, schools will remain closed until April 19th. Although we anticipated this would be the case, we are saddened as it means a longer period away from the school we love and our lovely pupils. However, we understand just how important it is for us to isolate at this point in time.
Please rest assured that, although we may not be in school, we will continue to support you and your children as best we can. Our teachers are working away on some wonderful content which we will post to the website this week. We are also hoping to set a fun Weekly Challenge for the children, which they can submit to their class teacher in the hopes of maintaining that strong home-school connection. We will keep you posted on this.
In the meantime, please take care of one another, stay safe and remind the children that we are thinking of them.
Best wishes,
Valerie O’Loughlin