Engineers Week
This week is Engineers Week across Ireland. St. Martin de Porres N.S. will be completing different activities, as part of Engineers Week to work towards achieving our 'Discover Primary Science and Maths' award.
During the week Ms. Weber will be working with all 1st to 6th classes in a workshop called 'Henrys Piano', developed by the company Cog and Axle, where the children will learn all about pulleys, levers, wheels and other mechanisms. All classes will focus on experiments based on different types of engineering with their teachers.
Ms. Beirne and Ms. Delaney's Junior Infants classes visited Imaginosity on Monday to take part in a workshop called 'Squishy Circuits'. where the children learned about circuits and then were able to create their own circuit using play-doh, wires, battery packs and bulbs.