Amazing Cake Sale!
Last Friday we welcomed back our first Cake Sale in quite a while... To say the response was AMAZING would be an understatement! Nearly every child in the school brought in something for the sale. The whole of Aylesbury must have been baking to the wee hours!
Every class visited the sale and enjoyed their treats in the hall afterwards. It was like a big happy picnic, complete with lots of summer tunes to add to the atmosphere :-)
A special thank you goes to the children of the School Student Council who organised this fabulous event and to the staff of the school who all helped out in different ways. A huge thanks also goes to our wonderful families for their support in the baking and buying of the cakes and to SuperValu Aylesbury for their support. It was a real community team effort, with all the proceeds going towards equipment for the children to use during yard time.
Have a look at the photos below to get some idea of how the day went .....