Maths Week 2022

This week the 17th - 21st October was Maths week! Our Maths team of Ms. Healy, Ms. Hoey, Ms. Spollen and Ms.Jones organised a week of fun for the whole school.
We began each day with a puzzle of the day, watched maths TV, took part in shape hunts and maths trails.
The highlight of the week was taking part in block table quizzes. It was great to be reunited as a school after being separated for so long during covid.
The estimation games had all children and staff guessing How many sweets are in a jar? and
How much does the pumpkin weigh?
We loved looking at the maths week posters. We answered lots of questions such as:
How many of each creature can you see? How many striped fish can you find?
Can you find sea creatures that are the same?
Can you see any numbers on the poster? Where?
What numbers can you see?
There are some numbers printed. What are they?
Find the odd numbers.
Find the even numbers.
Well done to all the children for their participation. We are looking forward to celebrating many more fun events this year.